Institutional Scholarship

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Recent Submissions

The Urgency of Utari: Decolonizing Translation and Preserving Ainu Identity Through the Oral Narratives of Chiri Yukie’s Ainu Shin'yōshū
(2024) Frohsin, Molly; Schoneveld, Erin
The Ainu people are an indigenous population of northern Japan and Russia, comprising three subgroups: Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and Kuril Ainu. Following the Meiji Restoration and seizure of Ezo, renamed Hokkaido in 1869, all but the Hokkaido Ainu were ethnically cleansed from their homeland, with Hokkaido Ainu being forcibly assimilated into Japanese culture. Linguistically, Hokkaido Ainu is the only surviving dialect of the Ainu language, classified as endangered by UNESCO. While the extinction and endangerment of Ainu language dialects was, in part, due to linguistic assimilation, no Ainu dialect has ever possessed a formal written language system, rendering Ainu historical information by means other than oral tradition previously challenging. Though Western missionaries and scholars constructed Ainu writing and published Ainu-English dictionaries, they were not entirely accurate and not meant for ease of communication, but rather to succeed in their proselytization of the Ainu people. However, it was oral traditionalist and transcriber Chiri Yukie, a young Ainu woman, who first began publishing the oral narratives and legends of the Ainu gods, or kamui yukar, in written format, in her yukar anthology entitled Ainu Shin’yōshū (Ainu Collection of Mythology). In addition to her Ainu upbringing, Chiri became fluent in Japanese, and published the Ainu Shin’yōshū in both languages. This thesis will examine Chiri’s written preservation of the Ainu language, as well as her incomparable impact on Ainu identity and pride. Although Western figures have attempted to lay claim to their superiority in the Ainu Studies field, their academic merit is hindered both by their misconception of the Ainu as a primitive society and discriminatory remarks made towards the Ainu people, present in their publications. From both an anthropological and social standpoint, it is evident that Chiri’s transcriptions, authentically promoting the heritage of the kamui yukar, are exceptionally valuable products of her short lifetime.
Number 24
(2024-11) Haverford College. Library
Tension Between Promotion & Description of Mindfulness: Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Attempts to Secularize Mindfulness & The Losses Associated with It
(2024) Merriam, Marissa; McGuire, Anne Marie
Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of the well-studied and popular Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program, promotes mindfulness as non-spiritual and only related to Buddhism in origin. This message is reflected in some of what he writes in his bestselling books, Wherever You Go There You Are and Meditation Is Not What You Think. However, close reading of these two texts reveals both the Buddhist and spiritual elements of mindfulness as conceived by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Therefore, a tension exists between mindfulness as Kabat-Zinn promotes it and the picture one comes to have of mindfulness from reading his works. This tension is directly related to his goals of spreading mindfulness to a skeptical American community and his need for credibility within the scientific community. When Kabat-Zinn first wrote Wherever You Go in 1994, it would have been a great danger to his goals of spreading mindfulness to highlight either the Buddhist or spiritual elements. However, while there are still skeptics reluctant to include any mention of religion or spirituality, the scientific community is now more accepting of such topics than it once was. This gradual shift in the scientific community paired with the great popularity of mindfulness practices means that it is now a loss and not a risk for Kabat-Zinn to continue to try to separate mindfulness from Buddhism and spirituality in his representations of mindfulness to secular Americans and the scientific community.
¡Usa la llengua! La evolución de las campañas lingüísticas en la Cataluña posfranquista
(2024) Chan, Jacob; Lopez-Sanchez, Ana
Después del régimen franquista de España en 1975, que impuso restricciones duras a todas las lenguas minorizadas del país, muchas regiones que hablaban estas lenguas no castellanas se enfrentaron a la cuestión de no solo establecer protecciones legales para estas lenguas, sino también promover su uso entre los ciudadanos. La región de Cataluña, donde se habla catalán, no fue una excepción. Esta tesis se centra en las campañas lingüísticas patrocinadas por el gobierno regional de Cataluña y en algunas campañas creadas por universidades públicas en Cataluña en las décadas posteriores a la muerte de Franco. Para este análisis, utilizo las ideologías lingüísticas de una nación-una lengua, lengua estándar, autenticidad y anonimato tal como se aplican a Cataluña. A lo largo del análisis de las campañas, uso una combinación de análisis de los medios multimodales que cada campaña utiliza, lo que cada patrocinador está diciendo sobre su campaña y las ideologías lingüísticas promovidas o rechazadas por cada una. Al final del análisis, noto algunos patrones semejantes en las campañas, sus diferencias y hallazgos cruciales en relación con su evolución. En primer lugar, encontré que todas las campañas promueven la idea de que mantener viva la lengua es un esfuerzo comunitario y requiere la atención de todos. Segundo, descubrí que las campañas cambiaron de tono al principio, alejándose de hablar "correctamente," hacía un modelo más inclusivo para los aprendices. Por último, encontré que las campañas se volvieron más "juguetonas" con el tiempo, con las campañas universitarias a partir de 2022 teniendo un tema similar de sacar la lengua para reconocer esta naturaleza juguetona y como una forma de resistencia contra aquellos que quieren dejar de usar el catalán.