Authorship Attribution of Song Lyrics

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Swarthmore College. Dept. of Linguistics
Thesis (B.A.)
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Authorship attribution is a common application offorensic linguistics that can be performed on a variety of data types. The goal of authorship attribution is to predict the creator of a piece of linguistic data by analyzing the quirks and patterns of a text or audio sample and comparing them to a set of potential authors to determine the best match. In this paper, I apply this technique to a large database of song lyrics scraped from the Internet as I attempt to train a computational model to predict the performing artist of a given song. A key element of this project is to find a list of relevant features, or calculable information, that best distinguishes the songs of a certain artist from the songs of all other artists. For example, the most obvious difference between the line "In chilly sub-depth railways, the weathered concrete stairways provide me with a means of getting home" (from Owl City's "Early Birdie") and the line "So get out, get out, get out of my head / And fall into my arms instead" (from One Direction's "One Thing") is the presence of more unusual words in the former example than in the latter. Therefore, my model uses the inverse document frequency to determine the rareness of each word in the song and uses it to help find a matching artist. The entire feature set I discuss in this paper contains various types of linguistic information, although syntax is the most difficult to manage because the syntax of lyrics is strongly constrained by the meter of the song. Tarlin 2 This topic is inherently susceptible to a data sparsity problem-the number of words in a single song may not be enough to effectively perform the statistical component of the model. In fact, the reason that I choose to define the author as the performing artist rather than the lyricist is that there is not enough lyricist information available. In many cases, the song's metadata lists zero or multiple composers, both of which are incompatible with the machine learning algorithms I use from Python's scikitlearn package. However, I claim that predicting the performing artist is still a worthwhile task because bands will choose to record songs that have similar styles-both in terms of the music and the lyrics. Though my model does not correctly predict the majority of the artists, it does perform significantly better than chance, meaning that the selected features do give some indication of the performing artist. Although the success of the classifier is more visible with a smaller number of possible authors, the ratio between its accuracy and chance is maintained even when applied to a larger data set.